Constitutional Law

Where Law Meets Solutions

At Lex Atlas, our team of specialized constitutional law attorneys provides advice and representation on matters concerning the interpretation, application, and defense of the Constitution.

We focus on delivering effective and strategic solutions across a wide range of constitutional issues. Our advisory services include protection of fundamental rights, interpretation and application of the Constitution, drafting proposals for constitutional reform, and representation in amparo proceedings, among others.

Furthermore, our team has experience in defending clients in proceedings before constitutional courts and resolving constitutional conflicts. We ensure to stay updated on the latest developments and decisions in constitutional law, enabling us to offer an innovative and efficient approach in representing our clients.


  • Constitutional rights advisory.
  • Representation in amparo cases and constitutional appeals.
  • Interpretation and application of the Constitution.
  • Defense of fundamental rights.
  • Advisory on constitutional reforms.
  • Litigation on constitutionality of laws.
  • Consultancy on constitutional principles.
  • Defense of the rule of law.
  • Protection of equality and non-discrimination.
  • Advisory on electoral processes.

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